Saturday, 28 November 2009

SAGA: New Moon 2009

I got all books of this story...
but I have not yet been convinced enough
to start reading...
But I have seen both movies Twilight and New Moon.
The story was obviously shortened to make it within a bit over 2 hours.
Though it was not super impressive, I still like it :)
I might start reading it during x'mas holidays ;)

My wish list for year 2010

My main concern for year 2010
is to take good care of myself.
I would like to have a healthy body inside and outside :)
And of course, I am aiming for something to do more with my body treatment...
since I have been pampering my face,it would be logical to do the same to my body ;)

Year 2010,I want to get couple of items for my body treatment :D
I am actually using some very nice almond exfoliate and rich body cream
It is a good brand with very nice smell products..quite expensive but more affordable for body skincare...I am not there to apply La Mer for my whole body YET :P

For exfolication, I use Almond Delicious Paste

and for body cream,I use Almond milk concentrate

But I am really curious about La Mer The Body Serum!

The reason I have not yet bought it coz the price here is ridiculous.
Many products from US when they sell here, some of them just change the currency from Dollar to Euro and add a bit more to the price...
but this body serum is really way overcharged in my opinion...
They sell this bottle in US for $155
but here they sell it €195! That is like $282!
The differ is like over $127!!!!
And the size is just only 4.2 fl. oz.
I think it wouldn't last that long with my body...
Even the Almond Milk Concentrate I am like 200 ml..for €41.
That would last me like 2 - 3 weeks maximum...

But next year, I will give myself a try for this serum! :D
And definitely looking forward to stock all La Mer for my vacation in US!!

And the other item I want to try very much is

La mer The Concentrate.

Again that they sell in US for $350 and here €410 :(
The differ is like $ 245 ( ;_; )
No doubt I spent thousands Euros on these products I am using..
while actually,I can stock another whole set of the same with the price in Europe! >:(

Next year I am invited to join the skin treatment from La Mer here :D
I can not wait as I really enjoyed the last skin workshop they arranged ;)

Nothing gonna STOP me!!! :P

My Lidcactus

I tried almost every way to get this lidcactus rebloom but it never worked.
I got one before in the past and
when all floweres gone,I thought they became dormant forever.
So I didn't want to buy them again.
I'd prefer to have plants which will give flowers again next year :)
But this one I was not allowed to throw it away..
And I sort of fed up with I placed it in the corner...
and I often forgot to water it...
Somehow when I started to water it again...
It is reblooming with lots of flowers :D
For the first time I managed to get it blossomed!!!!
I am very excited!!!
Now I place the twin of this one next to it...
I bought them together but again,it doesn't give any flowers..YET
Hopefully,the other one will give flowers to me lateron :D

Monday, 23 November 2009

La Mer Skin care review

I have tried LaMer for almost a month.
I can tell that my skin is totally improved.
It used to be very dull and super oily on T-zone..
but now it's brighter and smoother.
The fine lines are getting less visible.
And my skin is supersoft and not oily anymore:)
I got my skin routine after I started to use La Mer.
So I had been abused my skin up until last month :P

My skin routine

1) Cleaning my skin with La Mer Cleansing gel
2) Sweeping my face with the Oil absorbing
3) Padding my T-Zone with The Radiant Infusion
4) Sweeping all over the face with Face Serum
5) Dabbing The Intensifier at the fine lines
6) Applying the Eye Concentrate under eyes
7) Following with LaMer Cream Gel all over face and neck

And every weekend, I will exfoliate my face with La Mer The Refining Facial.

Actually,I have couple of more items I use during the end of the week like The Clay Mask.
Hoping it will help me clear all dead skin and most importantly, some black pores..
eventhough they are not that much but still bothering me.. :(
I am still searching of how to prevet those black pores.. :(
They are much less but many stubborn ones still haunt me from time to time...

But overall I am much happier now with my skin :)