If you are looking for vibrant and yet sophisticated lipsticks,
this is THE ONE :)
I am personally not a fan of matt lipsticks.
I found it too dried on my lips and gave the discomfort feeling.
However, this Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Collection changed my mind.
I fell in love with the texture which is so smooth and hydrated in a matt look.

There are many colours to select :)
La Distinguée - coral beige
La Raffinée - rosewood
L'Exubérante - intense pink
La Ravissante - coral with amber shimmers
La Fascinante - red (same as the ads)
La Sensuelle - violet plum
La Somptueuse - red brown
L'Exquise - coppery brown
This collection comes with Le Vernis 3 colours and a matt top coat.
Rose cache 521 (light pink)
Rose Exuberant 519 (Bright pink)
Pirate 08 (deep red) - repromote
Beauté Des Ongles Top Coat Velvet Mat